August 2015 | Volume
11 |
issue 4 | 23 articles | |
VARIOUS – 1 A News and miscellaneous
12 pages - 1,2 MB
FADED GLORY Maybe you have experienced this lately: Your club
was a wonderful club, full of enthusiastic people, crowded club meetings
and great shows, but suddenly it was finished. Faded Glory: the V.P.H. The
Hague. By : Wiggert Hasselt and Aviculture
Europe 5 pages - 380 kB
CHICKEN RUN Piet van Genugten, Canada Piet was born and raised in Venray,
a town in the south of the Netherlands, close to the German border. He
now lives in Canada where he keeps and promotes Dutch poultry
breeds. These breeds have emigrated
with him along with his boyhood memories. By
: Elly Vogelaar
(NL) 7 pages - 1.1 MB
117 YEARS OF THE SELF WHITE GERMAN LONG- FACE TUMBLER I have been breeding this impressive pigeon breed
since 1972. While it was initially just for the fun of it, the situation
changed abruptly in 1974 after my father took me to Cologne’s “Colonia
Show” for the first time. At the time I stood transfixed at the cages of
the white selfs, fascinated by their sheer beauty. By : Uwe Held (DE) 5 pages - 930 kB
THE Flemish cuckoo Part 2 A report on my long search for the origins of the
Cuckoo chickens and in particular the Flemish Cuckoo. In Part 2: Could it be the Scotch Grey and
the Dominique are related to the Flemish cuckoo? By :
Norbert Schollaert (BE)
THIEFPOUTER SPORT in The Hague under pressure! Flying thief pouters was once immensely
popular in and around The Hague. A national sport that kept everyone busy,
even if you did not practice it yourself. All those lofts on the roofs were
defining features of the city’s skyline, and everyone had someone among
their family or friends who was involved in the hobby. By : Aviculture
Europe 7 pages - 530 kb
THE NEW BRAHMA BOOK On May 16, 2015 at the Brahma Club day, the new
Brahma book was presented. A very special book; beautiful, thick, rich
and above all a very readable book with many interesting pictures, of
which many have never been released before. By : Brahma Club
Netherlands 5 pages - 1.1 MB
VDT SHOW 2014 part
4: the Colour Pigeons An impression of the VDT Show, the German National
Championship 2014. The largest Pigeon Show in Europe: 18,843 cages with
a wonderful variety of pigeons. Mick hereby presents his choice, not always
the ‘winning’ birds, but in particular the pigeons that impressed him. By : Mick
Bassett (DE) 11 pages - 1.8 MB
DE ZWARTE VOGEL GOES ON In December 2015 the internationally known store of
De Zwarte Vogel, Pigeon supplies shop in The Hague,
will move to Kerketuinen, Mangaanstraat
20, 2544 DW The Hague. De Zwarte Vogel actually
belonged for years as a monument to our Intangible Cultural Heritage. By :
Aviculture Europe 4 pages - 490 kB
OPTIMUM AVIUM SHOW Looking back at the Optimum Avium
International 2015, a show of gamefowl,
long-tail fowl and longcrowers. A magnificent
show with hundreds of visitors and breeders, domestically and from
abroad. Experiences and views were shared. It was a real networking day
and people enjoyed a cosy and instructive day. By :
Adrie Brouwers (NL) Photos :
Dirk de Jong 10 pages - 1.8 MB
FANCY PIGEONS AT thE CHAMPION SHOW An extensive photo report of the fancy pigeons entered at the 2015 National
Show of the Dutch Fancy Pigeons Association NBS, housed at the Champion
Show. Photos : Sytze
de Bruine 22 pages - 2.3 MB |
VARIOUS – 1 B News and miscellaneous
12 pages - 1.3 MB |
CLUB Shows AT THE nOORDSHOW At the Noordshow, many
breed clubs house their annual club show. Thanks to the many willing photographers
we can present you a beautiful review. Note: this is a very large file to
download! By :
Aviculture Europe 14 pages - 3.3 MB |
ONLINE PIGEON SHOW In July 2015 the Irish Coloured Racing Pigeon Club
decided to host its first ever online show for all its members on its Facebook page. The reasoning behind this was a simple
one! FUN. It allowed fellow fanciers from all over the world to compete
against each other. By : Wes
Murphy (Ireland) 5 pages - 1.2 MB |
A LITTLE PIECE OF PARADISE This year, Weltvogelpark Walsrode in Germany launches a remarkable new attraction,
unique in Europe! The park has built a brand new facility for the most
extraordinary birds on the planet: Birds-of-paradise! By : Hanne
van Bavel, Andreas Frei, Jan Dams,
Antje Mewes 5 pages - 1.1 MB |
THE GOLD SHOW A report of the pigeon show in Al- Nawader, Oman. An amazing experience for pigeon judge
Scott Sharp of Schotland. The prizes awarded at
this show consisted of a 10g piece of gold, hence de name of the show! Photos :
Scott Sharp (Scotland) 4 pages - 835 kB |
Annual General Meeting Dutch Association of Pigeon Fanciers – NBS The annual meeting of the NBS, on 13 June held in Barneveld,
ran very smoothly and as always in a pleasant atmosphere. By :
Han van Doorn Photos :
Sytze de Bruine (NL) 3 pages - 205 kB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 1 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: Chickens at the Champion Show, January 2015 in Nieuwegein (NL). Photos :
Dirk de Jong (NL) 6 pages - 1.8 MB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 2 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: The National Show of Serbia, 23 to 25 January 2015
in Sombor. Report and
photos: Hristo Lukanov
(BG) 4 pages - 1.1 MB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 3 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: The Syston Christmas Show,
UK, 29 December 2014. Photos : Rupert Stephenson (UK) 6 pages - 495 kB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 4 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: Poultry at the 21st National Show, Italy,
the Aia in Fiera Show,
held 23-24-25 January 2015 in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Text and photos:
Simone Cepollina, vice president of
the F.I.A.V. 4 pages - 960 kB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 5 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: Pigeons at the 21st National Show van
Italy, the Aia in Fiera
Show, held 23-24-25 January 2015 in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Text : Tiziano Trinci, FIAC Photos :
Roberto Comi 13 pages - 2 MB |