October 2014 | Volume
10 |
issue 5 | 20 articles | |
VARIOUS – 1 A News and miscellaneous
20 pages - 1.9 MB
ROEL BIJKERK interview Since I was 13 years old I have had pigeons. First,
for a short period Dutch High Flyers, Owls and such, and even a racing pigeon
that wandered in. Through my specialty club (Breeder Association of
Dutch Tumblers) I came in contact with the Amsterdam (beard) Tumbler. I
was attracted immediately to this breed and I started to breed this pigeon. By:
Aviculture Europe 8 pages - 807 kB
THE HERVE FOWL Being a breeder of some Belgian
breeds, I also follow with interest the story of the development of the
Herve Fowl, because of the strong interest for this breed in the media as
well. Officially, this breed is called Herve Fowl (in Belgium), but in
the South of the Netherlands it is known as Mergelland Hoen. By: Jan Schaareman (NL) 6 pages - 665 kB
THE GELDERSE SLENKE Remarks on the Standard (part II) The previous article in the August issue (part I)
was about the general impression and breed characteristics. In this
second part we will talk about the colour and marking, particular breed
characteristics, serious faults and the (overall) assess-ment. By: Pieter
Jansma (NL) 9 pages - 705 kB
ORIGIN OF SUMATRA GAME FOWL The origin of this breed is a bit
of a mystery. It was imported into the USA in the late 1840’s and its early
history was recorded by T.B. Miner in his Domestic Poultry Book, 1853. By: John Palmer (New Zealand) and Willem van Ballekom (NL) 6 pages - 795 kB
THE SPEELDERKEN and the BELGIAN RINGBEATER The breed had already been
described in the 17th century by David Teniers under the local (Genth) name
‘Speelklakker’. In later works, also the name ‘Draaier’ (Turner) is
used. However, that was most likely the Belgian Ringbeater. Presumably
the two breed are closely related. By: Ton Brouwers (NL) 10 pages - 985 kB
FRENCH BLACK TURKEYS ~ in particular the Gers turkey ~ Black turkeys are quite rare - although according
to the gourmets the blacks are just the finest. England has the black Norfolk
and also the Spanish Black turkey is known. A large country like France
with its many gourmets, has even more; all of them are discussed here. By:
Dirk de Jong (NL) 9 pages - 1.2 MB
KEEPING CHICKENS AS A HOBBY Keeping pets is popular and might even have a therapeutic
effect on our psyche. But this also has an economic interest; just look
at the shelves of su-permarkets and the range of feeds from specialized
agricultural suppliers. By: Norbert Schollaert (BE) 8 pages - 795 kB
VARIOUS – 1 B News and miscellaneous
20 pages - 2.2 MB
PEACOCK-PHEASANTS AND ASIATIC SPURFOWL PART 3 In this installation we touch on the evolutionary
histories of the toothed quail and Asiatic wood-partridges, which together
with the guineafowl form a set of slightly younger branches in the phylogenetic
tree, still many millions of years older than the earliest grouse or typical
pheasant. By: Kermit
Blackwood (USA) Very large file!
PIGEONS IN BRAS What does a brassiere company have in common with
World War II? Why, the pigeon vest of course. The pigeon vest was a vest
that was created to protect carrier pigeons as they parachuted through
the air strapped to the chest of paratroopers. By: Aviculture Europe, with our thanks to the
Museum of American History. 4 pages - 350 kB
MEAL WORMS – perfect but forbidden feed Chickens are omnivores, and although we may generally
associate them with grain, no beetle, worm or snail is safe in the chicken run.
Chickens are fond of insects and it is not simply as a delicacy, but also
offers them an important and easily absorbable nutrient. By: August
Offenberg (NL) 4 pages - 530 kB
MICK’S CHOICE Saarland Pigeon and Polish Lynx A new series by Mick Bassett, who is originally
from Great Britain but now living in Germany since many years. He will go through
the breeds of his choice always in like manner: a bit of history description
and any breed peculiarities. This time he tells about the Saarland Pigeon
and Polish Lynx. By: Mick
Bassett (DE) 4 pages - 650 kB |
INHERITANCE OF EGG COLOUR IN MARANS The question of how the beautiful
reddishbrown egg colour of the Marans is inherited keeps many people busy.
There is one thing for certain: no one really knows how it works. It is
therefore useful to put all the information I have collected over the
years about the egg co-lour inheritance, on paper. By: Dirk de Jong (NL) 6 pages - 540 kB |
CLAY PIPES From the 1st quarter of the 17th century clay pipes
were manufactured in Northern Netherlands. The clay pipes were used to
smoke tobacco. Sometimes special events were depicted on the pipes.
Quite a few pipes have been manufactured with the image of chickens and
pigeons. By: Kees Moerings
(NL) 6 pages - 515 kB |
FRENCH EXHIBITIONS New series Part 3 - the end A new series of show reports from
the season 2013-2014 of shows held in the South-West of France. A perfect
photo report of the 25e Exposition
Nationale d’Aviculture de Chambéry in Parc des Expositions, Chambéry.
Photos taken by Patrick Gonzales (Pigeon judge SNC). By: Patrick
Gonzales (FR) 12 pages - 1 MB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 1 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: Lichfield Spring Show, February 2014 in Lichfield
UK. Photos:
Rupert Stephenson and Tim Daniels
(UK) 5 pages - 445 kB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 2 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: The Irish Colour Racing Pigeons at the INFPA National Young Bird Show, August 2014 in
the Kilmurry Lodge Hotel. Photos: Albert Hogan & Wes
Murphy (Ireland) 4 pages - 510 kB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 3 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: The Canberra Queanbeyan Poultry Club Annual and Rare
Breed Show, August 2014. Photos: Greg Davies (Australia) 4 pages - 510 kB |