August 2013 | Volume
9 |
update 4 | 20 articles | |
VARIOUS - 1 A News and miscellaneous
15 pages - 1.5 MB
OLD DUTCH TUMBLER In By : Sytze de Bruine (NL) 8 pages - 550 kB
THE ORLOFF An old Russian breed of Orloff
chickens is widely known not only in By:
Irina Moiseyeva,
Michael Romanov, Helene Ovsyannikova and Andrei Alimov (Russia) 14 pages - 920 kB
THREE BRANCHES OF THE SAME TREE Though we cannot really speak of “endemic species”
in the pigeon fancy, we can transfer its principles: if groups of breeders
lose contact with each other, the breed which once was the same ultimately
breaks up into several breeds. By : Thomas
Hellmann (D) 4 pages - 135 kB
PEAFOWL SPECIES AND THEIR MUTATIONS The peacock is rightly called the “king of birds”,
its looks ranks it among one of the most beautiful animals in the world.
Hardly anyone could better describe а peacock, than ancient Hindus: “A
peacock has the feathers of an angel, the voice of the devil and the walk
of a thief”. By : Hristo Lukanov (Bulgaria) 14 pages - 1.1 MB
ON BOARD An amazing amount of livestock was transported by
Sail Ships in the old days, even on War Ships. To this we owe many of the
established chicken and pigeon breeds we have today, so we have a lot to
be thankful for with these early Voyagers. By : Mick Bassett (D) 3 pages - 300 kB
THe Nas de Xot (PIGEON) A number of enthusiastic Catalan breeders maintain
a special, original and very charming pigeon breed. Whenever I am in
Spain to judge at a Show, I look for those few cages in which these birds are
and I am never disappointed and even excited since I finally was able to
purchase a couple last year. By : Robert Ripaldi (F) 4 pages - 290 kB
thE OHIKI When digging into the history of
Chabo I found a Japanese source explaining they imported a Chinese bantam
from the Netherlands around 1800’s. The Dutch imported these bantam
birds from China with V.O.C. ships (Dutch East India Company, 1602-1799). By : Wanda Zwart (NL), in
cooperation with Marc King, David Rogers and Toni-Marie Astin. 6 pages - 760 kB
French Championship for the Mondain The Mondain is an old
French breed, its standard has been established at the beginning of the
last century. Typically French is the additional annotation on the
weight of By : Patrick Gonzales (F) 6 pages - 1.5 MB
VARIOUS - 1 B News and miscellaneous
16 pages - 1.2 MB |
BLACK SWANS For a few years now, we have had two Black Swans in
the joint pond of our children’s farm. However, two animals of the same
breed are not always a true pair, i.e. a male and a female, as we found
out! This mistake can normally be solved quickly, but not if it concerns
swans. Black Swans are even more complicated birds than other waterfowl. By : Dirk de Jong (NL) 4 pages - 650 kB |
WEIGHT AND SIZE OF WYANDOTTE BANTAMS In the June issue of Aviculture Europe Frank Harrer ( By : Leo van Wetering (NL) 5 pages - 720 kB |
FANCY PIGEONS AT THE 4th CHAMPION SHOW A photo report of the fsancy
pigeons entered at the Grand National of the Dutch Pigeon Association NBS,
housed at the Champion Show in Nieuwegein (NL). The photos in this selection
are taken by Jos van Dorp; in the next issue (October) we will have another
report with photos by Dick Hamer. By : Jos van Dorp (NL) 11 pages - 1.1 MB |
THE POULTRY museum The By
: Luuk Hans (NL) 5 pages - 850 kB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 1 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: The Domestic Waterfowl Club Championship Show
2012, hold Saturday 10 November Photos : Rupert Stephenson and Tim
Daniels (UK) 5 pages - 430 kB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 2 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: The Kempenshow, hold on
21-22-23 December Photos:
Piet Steeman 7 pages - 1.36 MB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 3 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: VDT-Show 2012 Housed at the 34e Nuremberg Pigeonshow,
14 to 16 December Photos : D.J. Hamer
(NL) 12 pages
- 1.5 MB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 4 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: Championship show of the Photos :
Robert Hoornstra (NL) 5 pages - 675 kB |
ACE OF THE SHOW Part 5 Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: Rare True Belgian Bantams at the Vechtdalshow
By : Hans Heemskerk (NL) 4 pages - 625 kB |