February 2012 | Volume
8 |
update 1 | 16 articles | |
VARIOUS - 1 News and miscellaneous
18 pages - 1,1 MB
May we introduce to you : The Steller Cropper . . . . . . and the Steller Cropper. This title is meant to draw your attention to a serious
subject. The article is about two different Cropper breeds - according to
the standard - that have the same origin in the former Silesia and Bohemia,
but that have grown apart over the years. By : Aviculture Europe 11 pages - 740 KB
BUFF LEGHORNS a rarity in many countries. It is only seldom that we see Buff Leghorns. Still
they do exist, worldwide and in different breed types. We thought it is
high time to have an inventory to find out where they are and who is keeping
them. By
: Arie van Bijsterveldt (NL) 12 pages - 885 kB
Crested Barbs … … still exist. The following article was sent to
us in German by a pigeon breeder from By : Josip Pekanović ( 5 pages - 440 kB
NEW CREATIONS entered for
recognition at the NoordShow. Each year the Dutch Poultry
breeders get the opportunity to enter new breeds or varieties - this year
also the Serama - at the National Show/Noordshow in Zuidlaren. They are judged
by three members of the Standard Commission. By : Jogchum IJpma. Seramas : By Berta van der Meer and Klaas Dillema. 10 pages - 1.1 MB
CONCERNING POULTRY ~ feeding fowl ~ What is the perfect chicken feed? High protein or
lower protein feed? What about molasses in the feed? Are commercial feeds
okay? Dan Honour says: “Do what works for you, but it
never hurts to see how others do things. You can always incorporate and try
new things on a trial basis and see”. By : Dan Honour (US) 4 pages - 590 kB
Discover the French Exhibitions. Part 5. Patrick Gonzales contributed a series of show photos
of various French Shows. Patrick is chairman of the French Breeders’ Club of
Original Italian Fancy Pigeons (Club Français
des Pigeons d'Origine Italienne
CFPOI). In this episode, the Shows in Soumoulou,
Saint Junien and By :
Aviculture Europe and Patrick
Gonzales (F) 6 pages - 415 kB
THE Sebastopol gEEsE. Part 1. It does seem remarkable that a distinctive breed
of goose, such as the Sebastopol is, remained un-noticed by travelers
and fanciers alike. However, from 1886, and up to the present day, some authors
have written with ambiguity regarding the initial importation of
the Sebastopol Goose. By :
Jonathan M. Thompson (UK) 8 pages - 480 kB
1000 fancy pigeons at the ‘FRIESCHE sIERDUIVEN sHOW’. Upon entering the pigeon show hall
of the WTC Expo, you immediately noticed how well everything was organized.
The nice wide aisles between the cages and the beautiful new spacious aviaries
in the middle aisle made it a pleasure to be here to enjoy and experience
the hobby. By :
Wim Halsema and Geert de Vries jr. Photos :
Henk Krans 16 pages - 1.5 MB
breeder. On Thursday December 8th 2011, Gerrie
Goorden, Adri Hermsen and Willy Toonen, and a car full of Rosecomb bantams
and other animals (Brahma, Rhinelander and Barbary Doves) left the Netherlands
and headed to Meeuwen in Belgium, where the district show was held at the
40th Exhibition of the Small Animal Club 'The Star'. By : Adri Hermsen (NL) 5 pages - 520 kB
ACE OF THE SHOW. Part 1. Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: Fancy
Pigeons at the Deltashow (NL). By : Sytze
de Bruine (NL) 16 pages - 1.9 MB |
ACE OF THE SHOW. Part 2. Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: Beestenboel in Barneveld (NL). Text :
Marion Meerveld Photos :
Evert Meerveld 5 pages - 840 kB |
ACE OF THE SHOW. Part 3. Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: The annual show of KDV Westland (NL). By :
Aviculture Europe 8 pages - 1.25 MB |
ACE OF THE SHOW. Part 4. Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: First United Poultry Exhibition, November Text and
photos : Hristo Lukanov and Petar Petrov 6 pages - 655 kB |
ACE OF THE SHOW. Part 5. Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: All Game Show (UK), Martinishow
(NL) and European Cauchois Show in Affligem (B). By :
Aviculture Europe 6 pages - 545 kB |