February 2012

|  Volume 8  |  update 1  |  16 articles  |


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News and miscellaneous



Mister Pigeon hoohoo


Khaki silver


An unexpected encounter


Kids ‘Pigeon’ Workshop


Correction December


Brush turkey


Chicken dryer


Update ‘pigeon art’ SA


Perfect NPA Show Video


Shelducks Video


18 pages - 1,1 MB


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May we introduce to you :


The Steller Cropper . . .

. . . and the Steller Cropper.


This title is meant to draw your atten­tion to a serious sub­ject. The article is about two dif­ferent Cropper breeds - accor­ding to the standard - that ha­ve the sa­me ori­gin in the for­mer Sile­sia and Bohe­mia, but that have grown apart over the years.


By : Aviculture Europe

11 pages - 740 KB


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a rarity in many countries.


It is only seldom that we see Buff Leg­horns. Still they do exist, world­wide and in dif­fe­rent breed types. We thought it is high time to have an in­ven­tory to find out where they are and who is kee­ping them.


By : Arie van Bijsterveldt (NL)

12 pages - 885 kB


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Crested  Barbs …

still exist.


The following article was sent to us in Ger­man by a pigeon bree­der from Serbia, Josip Pekanović. He describes his “Indianer” - a breed know in En­gland as “Barb”, but he was wri­ting in the Ger­man lan­guage so he used the Ger­man name “Indianer”. In Europe there is a lot off con­fu­sion in this area. In this En­glish ver­sion we stick to the name Barb.


By : Josip Pekanović (Serbia)

5 pages - 440 kB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.










entered for recognition at the NoordShow.


Each year the Dutch Poultry breeders get the oppor­tu­nity to enter new breeds or va­rie­ties - this year also the Serama - at the National Show/Noordshow in Zuid­laren. They are jud­ged by three mem­bers of the Stan­dard Com­mis­sion.


By : Jogchum IJpma.

Seramas : By Berta van der Meer

and Klaas Dillema.

10 pages - 1.1 MB


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~ feeding fowl ~


What is the perfect chicken feed? High pro­tein or lo­wer pro­tein feed? What about molasses in the feed? Are com­mer­cial feeds okay? Dan Honour says: “Do what works for you, but it never hurts to see how others do things. You can always incor­porate and try new things on a trial basis and see”.


By : Dan Honour (US)

4 pages - 590 kB


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Discover the French


Part 5.


Patrick Gonzales contributed a series of show photos of various French Shows. Patrick is chair­man of the French Bree­ders’ Club of Ori­ginal Ita­lian Fancy Pi­geons (Club Fran­çais des Pi­geons d'Origine Italienne CFPOI). In this epi­sode, the Shows in Sou­mou­lou, Saint Junien and Valence d’Agen.


By : Aviculture Europe and

Patrick Gonzales (F)

6 pages - 415 kB


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THE Sebastopol gEEsE.

Part 1.


It does seem remarkable that a dis­tinc­tive breed of goose, such as the Se­bas­to­pol is, re­mai­ned un-no­ti­ced by tra­ve­lers and fan­ciers alike. However, from 1886, and up to the present day, some au­thors have writ­ten with am­bi­gui­ty re­gar­ding the ini­tial im­por­ta­tion of the Se­bas­to­pol Goose.


By : Jonathan M. Thompson (UK)

8 pages - 480 kB


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1000 fancy pigeons at




Upon entering the pigeon show hall of the WTC Expo, you imme­diately no­ti­ced how well every­thing was or­ga­ni­zed. The nice wide aisles be­tween the cages and the beau­tiful new spa­cious avia­ries in the middle aisle made it a plea­sure to be here to enjoy and expe­rience the hobby.


By : Wim Halsema and

Geert de Vries jr.

Photos : Henk Krans

16 pages - 1.5 MB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.











visiting Belgian breeder.


On Thursday December 8th 2011, Ger­rie Goor­den, Adri Hermsen and Willy Too­nen, and a car full of Rose­comb ban­tams and other ani­mals (Brahma, Rhine­lander and Bar­bary Doves) left the Ne­ther­lands and hea­ded to Meeu­wen in Bel­gium, where the district show was held at the 40th Ex­hi­bi­tion of the Small Ani­mal Club 'The Star'.


By : Adri Hermsen (NL)

5 pages - 520 kB


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Part 1.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time:


Fancy Pigeons at the Deltashow (NL).


By : Sytze de Bruine (NL)

16 pages - 1.9 MB


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Part 2.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time:


Beestenboel in Barneveld (NL).


Text : Marion Meerveld

Photos : Evert Meerveld

5 pages - 840 kB


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Part 3.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time:


The annual show of KDV Westland



By : Aviculture Europe

8 pages - 1.25 MB


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Part 4.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time:


First United Poultry Exhibition, Novem­ber 2011, in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.


Text and photos : Hristo Lukanov

and Petar Petrov

6 pages - 655 kB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.










Part 5.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time:


All Game Show (UK), Martinishow (NL) and European Cauchois Show in Affli­gem (B).


By : Aviculture Europe

6 pages - 545 kB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.








