February 2011

|  Volume 7  |  update 1  |  12 articles  |








Virtual Fancy Pigeon Championship















News and miscellaneous



Marans LF chosen



Breeder's Guide


Baroen / The breeding season

begins !


Another two historical digital

poultry books available for our



The Mittelhauser pigeon


European Brahma show


Agenda 2012


8 pages - 370 kB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.










Short Faced Tumbler

Club 125 years old


The Short Faced Tumbler Club cele­brates its 125th birthday this year 2011. Would you believe the club was started in 1886 in the Globe Tavern a public house in Fleet Street London by a group of short faced tum­bler fan­ciers. Some great names in short face his­tory in­clude Mr. Esquilant and Mr. Fulton who were both short face tum­bler bree­ders.


By : Jim Mullan (UK)

7 pages - 430 kB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.










The Blue Andalusian


The Blue Andalusian is one of the oldest Spanish native breeds. It is clas­si­fied as a Medi­terra­nean breed; tall, grace­ful and slen­der. Its most pro­mi­nent feature is the blue-gray plu­mage with the dark lacing. In fact, the blue Anda­lusian of today are off­spring of a group of chic­kens that were expor­ted to En­gland from Jerez, Spain in the mid-nine­teenth century.


By : Debby Roorda (B)

13 pages - 855 kB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.












When we say ‘Pigeon Collectables’ our first thought is Karl-Heinz Sollfrank in Nurn­berg, who has the biggest collec­tion of pigeon memo­rabilia in the world in his Pigeon Museum. I only have a small collec­tion compa­red to many peo­ple. It is sur­pri­sing how many pigeon fanciers collect different items and I hope my article will interest many fanciers.


By : Scott Sharp (UK)

7 pages - 1.1 MB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.










Ull de Maduixa


Ojo de Fresa



A Catalonian flying pigeon breed with

a long and widespread history.


After 1992, when the contacts between the Spanish fanciers and the Dutch Spe­cialty Club for Iberian Pigeon Breeds (SIS) were in full swing, we noti­ced the resem­blance of this breed with the Dutch Valkenet, the English Barb, the German Indianer and the French Polonais.  The main differen­ce was the size.


By : Aviculture-Europe

7 pages - 740 kB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.












It is definitely established that the Ayles­bury duck originated from Ayles­bury Vale, which is part of the Bucking­hamshire county, situated northwest of Lon­don. Already in 1765, large con­cen­trations of Aylesbury ducks were found here. The Aylesbury valley was an ideal place for breeding this duck.


By : Kenneth Broekman (NL)

6 pages - 355 kB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.










The Gier Pigeon


The Gier is a breed that the French are proud of. It gives them a real national feeling; this breed belongs to the people with its particular style, as type and diffe­rent colours. This pigeon is rather more elegant than massive; it's a good flyer, produces well and rears its young very well.


By : Aviculture-Europe

10 pages - 700 kB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.











-  Mating and Fertilisation-


Achieving optimum fertilizat­ion is a pro­blem in many breeds. Every year there are many breeders who com­plain that the bree­ding results are dis­appoin­ting. An under­standing of the natu­ral mating behavior in chic­kens can help the bree­der to observe the mating beha­vioral sequen­ces in their pens to assess whether the fertility should be good, average, or poor.


By : Greg Davies (Australia) and

Paul Cuypers (BE)

7 pages - 895 kB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.











Part 1


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products.


This time : Fancy Pigeons at the Delta Show, in the Netherlands.


By : Sytze de Bruine

10 pages - 1.1 MB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.











Part 2


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products.


This time : A photo report (poultry, water­fowl and pigeons) of the ‘PAJOTTEN­LANDERS’ Show in Affli­gem, Belgium.


By : Dirk de Jong

4 pages - 645 KB


pijlen-a-set-1017  Click here to read more.







