


Aviculture Europe

English edition ISSN : 2352 - 2445


Aviculture Europe is published by :


Aviculture Europe Foundation


Chair - Treasurer : Elly Vogelaar, Voorschoten (The Netherlands)

Secretary - Webmaster : Piet Steeman, Gierle (Belgium)

Member : Sytze de Bruine, Sas van Gent (The Netherlands)

Member : Robert Hoornstra, De Pol - Steenwijkerland (The Netherlands)


Contact : redactie@aviculture-europe.nl



In Memoriam Nico van Benten,

founder of Aviculture Europe


Vinkje 02.gif   Click here to read more.











Would you like to comment on the content of this magazine, positive of nega­tive, or do you have other comments, suggestions, additions or correc­tions ?  Let us know !  Positive comments, we will gladly include in our guestbook.













The website has been created with the utmost care. How­ever, Aviculture Eu­rope Foundation can accept no liability in case the information on this site is incorrect or incomplete. Specific items of information are necessarily derived from many other sources, as our information deals with historical subjects.


Copyright. However, the combination, layout and presentation of the infor­ma­tion is original and protected by copyright and may not be used, copied, distributed, sent or published without prior permission in writing from Aviculture Europe Foundation. All texts, graphics and photographs used in these pages are either original or have been obtained from sources which granted permission to use them. Should this site inadvertently contain images or text with copyrights granted to third parties, please contact the editors at



Privacy policy.  Aviculture Europe does not collect or save any personal data. From those who have send us their email address for receiving our Newsletter, we only saved the e-mail address, without connection to your name or a computer’s IP address.  In case we do have your personal data, due to contributing to our magazine (article, photos), the Aviculture Europe Foundation makes maximum security effort to protect your personal infor­mation and email address against illegal use, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulations. Only authorized personal have access to these information – unless you provide your data yourself in an advert or such.












Editor-in-chief : Elly Vogelaar


Webmaster : Piet Steeman


The Team of contributing editors :


H. (Bobo) Athes  (RO)

M. Bassett  (DE)

N.M.D. van Benten  (NL)

E. Blasco  (ES)

S. de Bruine  (NL)

Roberto Comi  (IT)

G. Davies  (AU)

H. van Grouw  (NL)

D. Hamer  (NL)


U. Held  (DE)

Th. Hellmann  (DE)

R. Hoornstra  (NL)

D. de Jong  (NL) 

R. de Koster  (DE)

J. Lombard  (ZA)

Hristo Lukanov  (BG)

D. Moss  (UK)

James (Jim) Mullan  (UK)


Fabio van Olst  (NL)

Frank Povah  (AU)

Jan Schaareman  (NL)

P. Steeman  (BE)

Jonathan M. Thompson  (UK)

Elly Vogelaar  (NL)

M. de Vrijer  (NL)

W. Zwart  (NL)



image009.jpg   Het digitale magazine Aviculture Europe blijft bestaan online, zonder nieu­we updates, maar met het volledige archief (meer dan 1200 artikelen in twee talen!) en een zoekfunctie om snel iets te vinden.


Met heel veel dank aan alle medewerkers voor hun jaren­lange support. Zij hiel­pen mee om Aviculture Europe tot zo’n groot succes te maken.



image011.jpg   The digital magazine Aviculture Europe will continue to exist online, without new updates, but with the com­plete archive (more than 1200 articles in two languages!) with a search function to quickly find what you are looking for.


We would like to thank all the contributors and photographers, who help make the Aviculture Europe Magazine such a success.



image013.jpg   Aviculture Europe Digital Magazin wird im Internet weiterexistieren, ohne neue Updates, aber mit dem voll­stän­digen Archiv (über 1200 Artikel in zwei Sprachen!) und mit einer Suchmaschine, damit Sie ganz schnell finden, was Sie suchen.


Herzlichen Dank an alle Schriftsteller und Fotografen, die unsere Zeit­schrift Avi­cul­ture Europe zu einem Erfolg gemacht haben.



image014.jpg   Le magazine Aviculture Europe continuera à exister en ligne, sans mise à jour, mais avec une archive com­plète (plus de 1200 articles en deux langues!) et en plus une fonction de recherche pour vite trouver ce que vous cher­chez.


Nous remercions de tout cœur tous les auteurs et photographes, qui ont aidé à faire le magazine Aviculture Europe une vraie réussite!




