April 2009 |
Volume 5, number 2 12 ARTICLES |
VARIOUS. April 2009. News,
miscellaneous and ‘Buy and
Sell’ market. 1,5 MB |
A visit at Theo van de
Bogaard in
Kerkdriel (NL). Theo is a breeder of King pigeons from the bottom of
his heart and today he is a know King fancier in Holland and abroad,
admired for his splendid breeding results in the colour varieties white,
black, brown, andalusian, blue black barred and black tigered. By : Aviculture Europe 17 pages - 1 MB |
MINORCAS. Promise is debt; already in the 2008 February issue
we promised you a breed special on the By : Dan
Honour (US) and Hilbert
Pater (NL) 15 Pages - 895 KB |
SWISS PIGEON BREEDS. With the growing interest of the Swiss Breeds I
thought the time might have come for a glance at this fascinating Group of
Pigeons. To start with there are 24 different Breeds, split into three main groupings.
All the breeds and groupings are named after the District or 'Canton' of
origin; that is equivalent to a small 'County' in English. By: Mick Bassett 13 Pages - 926 KB |
CHICKEN RUN. When we contacted Piet v.d. Mel in Kamerik (NL)
and asked him whether he was willing to play the main part in our following
fancier’s interview, we supposed he was a Wyandotte bantam breeder. Piet
was very surprised, as … he didn’t breed Wyandotte bantams, but Plymouth
Rock bantams and we were welcome to have a look. By : Elly Vogelaar 12 Pages - 920 KB |
CONCERNING POULTRY. On Poultry Shows, Breeders and Judges. Poultry breeding is as much an art as it is science.
For it involves a keen sense of beauty, but it also requires a significant
amount of knowledge - both theoretical and practical. No matter what breeds
one chooses, the sum of time, energy, dedication and money involved is
staggering for anyone who is not a hobbyist, but the rewards are in
proportion. By : Haralambi Athes 8 Pages - 440 KB |
Theo van Dissel from Pigeon-crazy to Chamberlain. Theo is known as a breeder of several pigeon
breeds, in special the Bokhara Trumpeter. But moreover he is a collector
of pigeon books and everything that has to do with fancy pigeons, as a
result of which he has many contacts internationally. By : Nico van Benten 8 Pages - 390 KB |
THE CHANTECLER POULTRY. At the very low temperature, of the Canadian Winter,
the fowls’ combs and wattles in general but especially those of the
roosters, freezes. This is why Brother Wilfrid, in charge of the poultry
department at the Cistercian abbey of By : Michel
Boulianne (Canada) 5 Pages - 280 KB |
International encounter of Silkie & Poland fanciers IN BRUGES. The European Silkie Show & International
Poland Show was held in Bruges, on the 25th and 26th of October 2008. The
Show was organised by the Koninklijke Angora Kleinveeclub of Bruges, in
co-operation with the Dutch Silkie Breeders’ Club. Apart from the 1100 animals
of various breeds, 425 Silkies and Polands were present from 5 countries. By : Hans Ringnalda 13 Pages - 880 KB |
CHICKENS IN SWEDEN. In September 2008 I visited Sweden. My intention
was to find me a fine Belgian Hare (Rabbit breed) but on request of the
Aviculture Europe magazine I also did a ‘chicken tour’ around the
region. By : Maureen Hoyle 7 Pages - 745 KB |
ACE OF THE SHOW. Part 1. Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: NPA Promotie Show in Florida US, Poultry at the
Nuremberg Show in Germany and the
Egg Contest in Merelbeke, Belgium. By : B.
Burnside (USA) Mick
Bassett (D) Dirk de Jong (NL) 8 Pages - 860 KB |
ACE OF THE SHOW. Part 2. Proud owners, top animals and striking breed
products. This time: The Fancy Pigeons at the Nuremberg Show ( By : Mick Bassett 10 Pages – 1,1 MB |
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