February 2009

Volume 5, number 1.









February 2009.


News, miscellaneous and

Buy & Sell market.

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Extra :

Breeding AND


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A visit at Klaas de With

in Leeuwarden (NL).


Klaas de With is in his early 50’s and has been in the hobby for quite a number of years. He got his first pi­geons from his father when he was 12, and he kept them in a sim­ple oran­ge box. His first Old Dutch Tur­bits were purchased in 1970. In 1996 it was decided to start with a se­cond breed: the American Giant Ho­mers.


By : Nico van Benten

10 pages - 500 KB


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also loves chickens !


The other day, when we visited so­me fanciers in Friesland, we pas­sed through the town of Drachten, Gerrit Grooten’s hometown. Gerrit is a well known Rabbit Expert and Jud­ge and had been our colleague for many years, when we all wor­ked for the ‘printed’ magazine Avi­cul­tura, and we just couldn’t resist visi­ting him. He was surprised to see us - he had just finished clea­ning the rabbit coops - and we were wel­comed in.


By : Elly Vogelaar

5 Pages - 320 KB


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at Raymond Daalmans’ in

Hoogerheide (NL).


The breed originated in Italy and ac­cor­ding to the most recent infor­ma­tion it was mentioned in and around the 15th Century.


The Sottobanca is a very common pi­geon in Italy. However, the breed was not only kept in Italy, but also in Fran­ce. The birds were of (almost) the same type and there was never a problem with that.  But in 1996 the Italian and French Sotto­banca have been given separate recognition.


By: Aviculture Europe.

10 Pages - 620 KB


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How many of you have birds that lay blue eggs I wonder. There aren’t many breeds of poultry that lay blue eggs, but the UK does have a cou­ple of them, the one that I bred was the Cream Legbar.  I was lucky enough to breed the Cream Legbar for a couple of years but I had to move them on eventually to make way for another, even rarer, auto sexing breed. (maybe an article for another issue).


By : Zoë Baden, UK.

6 Pages - 460 KB


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The History of the

American Crest club.


The History of this club and the breed begins in the 1920-1930's when here in the US the French Mon­dain was bred primarily as a food source. From the late 1800's we had large squab farms here in the US which served the restau­rant trade and food for the average family. The owners of these squab farms began exhibiting their prized breeders; pigeons which produced the best squabs with the most weight.


By : Steven Roth (US)

4 Pages - 315 KB


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The beautiful New Hampshire and Amrock fowls of Jo De Dooij are living proof that a breed, when kept by a devoted fancier/specialist, can be bred to perfection. Of course it helps that these ones can spend their chicken lives in such a paradise-like situation, in the green grass of the Dutch village of Ossendrecht. And that Jo certainly is a gifted breeder.


By : Elly Vogelaar

8 Pages - 550 KB


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Eggs & egg contest.


An egg is one of the best and heal­thiest food ingredients; very all round, but also undervalued, mis­used and exploited by the eco­nomy. The price for this small nug­get of gold is ridi­culously low. I am going to explain why one egg is bet­ter than the other and what to look for in so-called egg con­tests. The principle of an egg con­test is that a good hatching egg is also a good con­sump­tion egg.


By : Dirk de Jong

6 Pages - 340 KB


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The national symbol of France is a roos­ter. From the very roots of French history, the Latin word Gal­lus means both "rooster" and "inha­bitant of Gaul". The French rooster em­blem adorned the French flag during the French revolution around 1800. The rooster is the emblem of French sports teams in international events, such as the French national soccer team and the French rugby team. The French rooster is even used as part of the logo for some large French brands.


By : Luuk Hans

8 Pages - 600 KB


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The Opening Ceremony took place on Saturday morning, beginning with 11:00 o’clock, in one of the up­stairs au­dito­riums, and, due to an over­fil­led pro­gramme and many ‘im­por­tant’ speakers, who all had a ‘mes­sage’, this ceremony surely ended up in the top 3 of the longest in the last 20 years.


The Show was opened by Mister H.J. Ormel from the Dutch Govern­ment, Chairman of the Com­mis­sion of Foreign Affairs and spokes­man for the Commission of Animal Rights and Animal Health.


By : Aviculture Europe

7 Pages  440 KB


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A Hybrid with a History.


The duck seen below, labelled as a hy­brid ‘Mallard x Teal’ in the pu­bli­ca­tion “Hybrids /Bastaards” in Avi­cul­ture Europe, December 2008 is not this hybrid combination, but in fact a hy­brid of Mallard and Gad­wall, or a so-called “Brewer’s Duck”. But how and why this hybrid is asso­ciated with a specific name, “Brewer’ s duck”?


By : Jörn Lehmhus (Germany)

5 Pages - 200 KB


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FANCY Pigeons

at the Dutch

National Championship.


A photo report on the Fancy Pi­ge­ons at the Dutch national Cham­pionship Show at AVICORNI De­cem­ber 2008.



By : Aviculture Europe

12 Pages - 1 MB


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Part 1.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time: Donau-Bussen-Show 12-13 Oc­to­ber 2008 in Riedlingen  an der Do­nau (Ger­ma­ny).


By : Mick Bassett

9 Pages - 1 MB


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Part 2.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time : The KERNHEM SHOW in Ede (NL) and the 3e SALON DE L'AGRICUL­TURE in Bas­togne (Belgium), October 2008.


By : Dirk de Jong

10 Pages - 1,1 MB


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