August 2007

Volume 3, number 4.





August 2007.


News, miscellaneous and ‘Buy and Sell’ market.


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A visit at Hennie Schwarz.


Today’s visit is at Hennie Schwarz in Hoog­karspel (NL). We found him, happily smiling in his pigeon loft, surrounded by his superb stud of Chinese Owls. But also Ha­ge­naar Tumblers and Amsterdam fly­ing pigeon breeds are still present at his loft.


By : Nico van Benten

9 pages - 500 KB


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Kazaner Tumblers, a new

addition to my lofts.


Thanks to Eddie Quick I now have a pair of white Kazaner Tumblers in my loft. These are the only two re­pre­sen­tatives of this breed in South Afri­ca. I plan to develop two strains ba­sed on line breeding around the two original birds.


By : Jan Lombard

6 pages - 250 KB


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The Pinta Asturiana is a Spanish breed that catches the eye because of the unique pattern of colour and mar­kings. It is a very old local breed that originated in the windy area of As­tu­ria ( North of Portugal).


By : Wilfried Lombary

7 pages - 520 KB


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Over time, fanciers often vary the breeds they keep; they get tired of a breed or a particular colour variety or are looking for a new challenge. Yet there are fanciers who stick with the same breed for a lifetime. One such fancier is Rem Koster in Wie­rin­ger­waard (NL), who has been bree­ding Rhode Island Reds for over 30 years. We visited him to find out what attraction this very old Ame­rican breed has for him.


By : Elly Vogelaar

8 pages - 620 KB


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I am continually amazed when wat­ching these wilfully stubborn and yet somewhat timid little creatures that wander the grounds here with their stunning feathering dotted all over with little pearls. There is no­thing unusual about the body form how­ever, one is abruptly stopped to con­template the naked neck and the pastel carnival head colours with vivid red wattles extending over the beak (which tends to remind me of a child’s clown-like result af­ter playing in mama's makeup box with no mirror!


By : Monique de Vrijer

7 pages - 900 KB


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Part 3 - Mustelidae.


Worldwide this Family consists of 70 species. In spite of the terror that poultry and pigeon keep­ers have for mar­tens, these predators are all very profitable, as mustelids help in controll­ing rodent popu­la­tions that are con­si­dered to be pests. Wanda explains how to keep martens out of your henhouse or pigeon loft.


By: Wanda Zwart

9 pages - 900 KB


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A collection of three extraordinary

short articles.


1. Chickens in Greece.

     Author : Elly Vogelaar.

2. The amazing world off crossing


     Author : Nico van Benten.

3. Fauna falsification.

     Author : Dirk de Jong.


10 pages - 900 KB


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Part 1.


The smallest chicken breed of the world is becoming the biggest fad in Europe. From Malaysia to the Uni­ted States and from the US to Eu­ro­pe. The interest is far ex­cee­ding the availability of the Serama. A world standard is established and clubs emerge in the speed of light.


By : Sigrid van Dort

6 pages - 970 KB


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Part 2.


In part 2 is explained that Serama ma­ke excellent pets and com­pa­nions for kids and grown-ups. Besi­des that, Serama are the ultimate show birds who strut freely on a ta­ble to show the spectators their type, temperament and character.  This is unique in the chicken world!


By : Sigrid van Dort

5 pages - 730 KB


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at Australian Shows.


The schools section at the Royal Ade­laide Show was introduced af­ter schools began entering in the Junior Section. Urrbrae Agricultural High School - our States main se­con­dary school that provided cour­ses in agricultural activities - has shown at the Adelaide Show for ma­ny years.


By : Tom Bowden

3 pages - 455 KB


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Part 1.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time:  Poul­try, Ornamental Fowl and Water­fowl at the Dutch National Poul­try Union Show, the Noord­show (NL).


By : Ad Taks

7 pages - 935 KB


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Part 2.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time:  The Klein­dieren­Expo in Utrecht (NL) and Part 2 of the Pigeons at the European ­Show in Leipzig.


By : Dirk de Jong (KleindierenExpo)

and Mick Bassett (Leipzig).

6 pages - 1 MB


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