June 2007

Volume 3, number 3.





June 2007.


News, miscellaneous and ‘Buy and Sell’ market.




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A VISIT AT Aad Bransen.


Today’s visit is at Aad Bransen in Kwints­heul (NL). A lot of different pi­geon breeds were kept by Aad du­ring the years. The Norwich Crop­per has been one of his favourites since the eighties and they are per­for­ming to a very high standard.


By : Nico van Benten

12 pages - 1.3 Mb


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It is known that pigeons, and in par­ti­cular croppers, can have pro­blems with their crop, or to be pre­cise, with the food that is in it. In an un­guar­ded moment the pigeon can gorge itself (eating too much too quick­ly causing over-stretching of the crop and not being able to hold it up.


By : Nico van Benten

5 pages - 250 Kb


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The Lakenvelder is an old Dutch breed, which is famous for its stri­king colour pattern. However, only a few fanciers are attracted to this breed. This is probably due to the fact the Lakenvelder marking is very hard to breed correctly.


By : Ruud Kreton

7 pages - 640 Kb


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In Holland, only a few registered fan­ciers keep the Amrock bantam, al­though we think there are more a­round than we know of, because the Amrock bantam is a lovely breed to keep. We visited the Vos­ters family in Vessem (NL), as we we­re told they keep Amrock ban­tams, among others...


By : Elly Vogelaar

9 pages - 800 Kb


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One of the greatest perks of raising chic­kens are the eggs! There is sim­ply nothing more satisfying than fresh­ly laid eggs from your own chic­kens. Our chickens are profuse layers. So we are not surprised when egg abnormalities pop up (or out in this instance!) as this can be ex­pec­ted to occur from time to time wit­hout it necessarily indicating any se­rious condition in our birds.


By : Monique de Vrijer

9 pages - 1 Mb


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TURKEYS.  Part 3.


Part 3 of ‘An anthology of historical facts and re­markable tales about tur­keys’ Text and pictures are by Theo Philip­sen.


By: Theo Philipsen

4 pages - 600 Kb


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THE BOSMA FAMILY fanciers to the hilt.


Coming to Holland from the UK, Rin­ke Berkenbosch liked to meet again one of his ‘old’ friends Ruurd Bos­ma, so the both of us visited the Bos­ma family in Sneek, who are just like Rinke ‘fanciers to the hilt’.


By : Rinke Berkenbosch and

Jan Willem Hondelink

8 pages - 1.5 Mb


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Part 6b of the series is about bree­ding Barbary (Ringneck) doves. Much about breeding in general has been disclosed in a previous ar­ti­cle concerning reproduction be­ha­viour. Here follows some ad­di­tio­nal remarks.


By : Hein van Grouw

6 pages - 210 Kb


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AVICORNI.  Part 1.


The Royal Dutch Avicultura and Or­ni­tho­philia together organised the AVI­COR­NI SHOW. Part 1: The Ope­ning Ceremony; the Winners and awar­ding of the traditional Prizes and a report on the fancy pigeons at this Show.


By : Aviculture Europe

8 pages - 560 Kb


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AVICORNI.  Part 2.


Continuation of the report of the Avi­corni Show in Leiden. Part 2: Poul­try.


By : Aviculture Europe

6 pages - 1 Mb


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Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time from Belgium: The Kempenshow.


By : Aviculture Europe, with photos

of Piet Steeman and Dirk de Jong

8 pages - 770 Kb


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Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time: The Provincial Exhibition of North Bra­bant (NL); Dutch Juniors  sho­wing in Leipzig and a photo report of the Local Show in Wiegleben (Ger­many).


7 pages - 690 Kb


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